Series Finale

Series Finale. Three words OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing. That’s gotta be the best series finale yet. Its just after finishing and I’m still shaking. I was excited first of all to see what would happen to Carl’s body on the way to Cardiff, then when Ryan stole the car I was shocked, then…the end. Well OH MY GOD. The end Don, the bastard taking the car, as he began driving and everything went slow motion I was in shock. Can’t believe he drove it into the team bus. So like who’ll live and who’ll die because that was a pretty amazing explosion. If that was reality everyone would die, but they wouldn’t kill off the entire team, would they? I hope not anyway because this has to be my favourite squad in ages, although it’s a pity Carl isn’t still alive. I mean I even starting to warm to Viv. Who by the way did you notice wasn’t on the bus. Anyway I gotta cool down after that so reply with your thoughts.


by my reckoning harchester have two players left, Ryan and Viv!!! my god have the writers never heard of the transfer market? it seems everytime they want new players they kill a load off, who the hell would sign for this team!!! a plane crash, coach crash, murder, assasination, now this!

this is the formation for next years squad :-

goalkeeper/manager/defence/waterboy - viv wright

midfield/attacking/physio/team co-ordinator - ryan naysmith

anyway, dean boyle!!! gina, listen, karl is dead i'll stay with you but i gotta go somewhere for 10 minutes i'll be right back! oh frig it lets get drunk with the guys back in harchester wtf??!! back on the bus, BANG! !!! this guy has a real caring side hey!


That was rank - how many times can they kill off the team?

If that was reality Don's airbag would have saved him and the bus would have a dent in it - regardless of a boot full of petrol - so everyone would be fine.

Course, I am sure Fletch will come out of the shower and it will be a dream.


I was the best series finale till the very end when they ruined it. Also the entire team were smoking cigars and Don fitted lots of petrol in the car because he wanted to burn in down with karl in it. Apparently the players smoking cigars would have caused the big explosion


Have to say that this series was the biggest load of tosh I've ever had the misfortune of being witness to. What on earth were the writers thinking? Don Barkers character was just so over the top ridiculous it wasn't even funny - and the fact he got away with everything and everyone believed whatever he said (or wrote) is just pathetic. I mean, I know footballers aren't supposed to be the most intelligent chaps on the planet but c'mon, no group of grown men can be that naive. The most annoying thing of all has to be Barkers demise - what a complete anticlimactic cop out. It would have been more satisfying to have him caught in the act (any one of the many would have done) and for his life to take a complete downward spiral thereafter with it climaxing in him taking his own life all alone in a jail cell somewhere - preferably after he'd been beaten to a pulp by several in mates!

Just hope that if they dare embark on another series they hire some new writers and ship the existing lot off to Abu Dhabi - perhaps take them on a coach ride along the M1 first though eh? ;)

Lester Burnham: 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I've always wanted and now I have it. I rule!


So like who’ll live and who’ll die because that was a pretty amazing explosion. If that was reality everyone would die, but they wouldn’t kill off the entire team, would they?

YES,yes they would :D
Ive only watched parts of this but
hasn't there been :
A Sniper
2 Bus Crashes

in 8 finale


i was in skye on the finale so my brother had to tape it and after the bus exploded i acctually couldn't move i just lay there and then at the very end when the poster of them was burning that was just evil and i am so gutted that ryan didnt get on that bus because i really want him to die as he was horrible to clyde and contributed to his suicide but obviously it was mainly don who had some serious mental problems but i love viv he is so amazing i think that curtis and dean might die as they are both too nice and they will have to kill off some of the random people on that team lastly i have to say this was a terrible year for harchester there was a suicide, imaginery wives, betrayal, murder of the best ever character, shootings and stabbings.


It cant have been the series final must ave just been the season finale because I read in a newspaper that Lee Sharpe (Celebrity Love Island and x footballer) that he was appearing in the new series.
Kelly - London


the best finale was the shooting at wembley when they won the fa cup. i remember thinking all summer who got shot none of the other storylines have made me wonder so much as you can predict most the people who died in the coach crashes. they also kept that storyline very quiet and i dont think it got leaked


i gotta admit i LOVE this show, but ofcourse ppl tend to forget the hocknel(sp??) brothers dean and shawn(sp? again) what about victor "tank" the very first club owner dying of a heart attack while playing a managers/staff vs the players game, what about the youth team that featured heavily in the early seasons?

as for the ending of last season??? WOW!!!. thank god footie season is off again so this show should be kicking off in the near future
