
i was readin thu the players in it, wen i noticed sumfin. casper is on it 2 times, but on 1. it sez e is in it frm 2005-2006. dus dis mean e is da only 2 bein killed off?! i luved on, but it wnt tel u! can n e 1 elp me?!


What the heck is that? Can you not talk english? it isn't a text message you can put in as many letters as you like


Bit baffled by the text speak as well, but think I can probably answer this one. (space down if you want to know)

The actor who plays Casper updates his IMDb profile himself, so what you're reading is correct. He's written out of the series in the next two weeks. It's relatively easy to find out his last storyline but I would urge you all not to look for it, and just enjoy the next two weeks of the show. Some muppet at the TV listings people has published exactly what happens to him in several TV guides and ruined all the build up. Boo to them.



I never said he'd be killed off - I said he'd be written out!

Re the other characters being written out...Phillip Brodie (Jaws) was given the option to return (hence Jaws' body never being found) but he didn't want to come back. That was totally his decision and the writers actually really wanted him to return.
Lee Presley, in my opinion, had lasted as long as he could and I was getting quite bored of him.
Not quite sure on the official line about Jamie Parker, but I presume it was more Jim Alexander's decision rather than the writers.

Unfortunately, the actors who appear on DT tend to get seen by other programmes and snapped up that way. There aren't many occasions where a good character on Dream Team is killed off/written out for no reason. Common sense would say that the writers would want to hang on to good characters rather than get rid of them for no apparent reason!



How is it obvious he's going to get murdered by Dempsey???!!! There's been absolutely nothing to suggest that's going to happen so far...

I think you've been checking out the TV guide recently.


On it says that Dempsey killssomeone and its a bit of a coinkidink that casper is being written out and last episodes coming up showed them starting to talk about the myserey owner and dempsey is very likely to lose his temper and start beating casper then going to far and killing him by accident


how in the blue hell does a 22 year old football player get over 100m for a football club

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy


i found out n its sly booo yall were right


Well it looks like you were all right, Casper did die and Dempsey did kill him, me i never saw it coming..course if i'd read this thread before the show i would have lol


Yep Casper does die!! Alx Dempsey kills him.
