DVD released

The whole series is available to buy on a double disc Region 2 DVD, from Amazon UK or other retailers. I got one, quality is great and still looking good. Buy this -don't bother with bootlegs versions any more - and maybe they will carry on releasing some of the other rare 1970's TV horror series.


I just wondered, if anyone in the know could tell me, Why the order of episodes on the dvd set is different to the order they were originally shown on tv... (according to imdb anyway...)


According to web sources, the episodes went out in different orders around the country, and appear on the DVD in Production Order. I've quoted that from this website:



Thanks adriangr!, that is most informative, thankyou...


Just started watching these on YouTube. Seen Baby, Special Offer and What Big Eyes. Only really liked Special Offer so far. The others were OK but freaky.
