April 9th

I remember seeing this one years ago. But if I remember correctly, that fire was only contained to the teachers lounge so how did Arthur's classroom get destroyed? Unless it was next to it.

Since it aired in November 2002 I guess the actual episode was being made in March/April since it was loosely based on 9/11.



That episode was a great way for the reactions to 9/11 being seen through the eyes of children. I could relate to that episode since I was in the 5th grade when 9/11 occurred so I was close to the age Arthur and the gang are depicted as.

Roger Waters and David Gilmour watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic


I was in 7th grade. What's funny is that when they sent my cousin home (who was in 1st grade) he just wanted to watch Arthur but my aunt wanted to watch the news.

They also did a Sesame Street episode not long after, that dealt with Elmo being scared when there was a grease fire in the diner. Several members of FDNY guest starred.

But I still want to know how their classroom got destroyed.



I was in third grade when it happened, same age as Arthur. April 9th didn't premier til I was in fifth though and I didn't quite make the connection until I read about it years later. Still it was very well handled I think.

Next time I'll just die on the river so Sam can see a waterfall.


That episode was very well written. It showed how people were affected by the fire from different perspectives.

1) Arthur's dad Was almost trapped in the fire. Which made him scared. Similar to victims trapped in the World Trade Center but lucky enough make it out out.

2) Binky saw flames up close which was trama. Similar to ppl in NYC witnessing the plane hit the towers and victims trapped.

3) The janitor broke his ankle and had to retire. Some 9/11 victims were killed or seriously injured.
