Loved this movie.

I saw THE FIVE SENSES at a film festival a few years back -- I only went to see it because the synopsis looked better than the other films that were appearing in the same time slot at the fest; needless to say, I wasn't expecting much. But I just loved it. Mary-Louise Parker's droll delivery was perfectly suited to this character, and Daniel McIvor is a real find.

I bought the movie on video from the "Previously Viewed" section at Blockbuster for a couple bucks, and have seen it three or four times since. I don't know why it moves me so much. Stunning, stunning work. I hope Podeswa takes a break from all the success he's enjoying on premium cable and makes another feature at some point ...

Cheers, all.
EP in DC

"I don't want life to imitate art; I want life to BE art." -- Postcards from the Edge


I can only agree. Beautiful movie. Same feeling here as to wondering just exactly what makes this film tingle my spine. I suppose it's a mixture of everything: the great acting, the lush cinematography, the free-flowing script, the supple direction. I dunno. It just gels.

'All music is folk music. I ain't never heard no horse sing no song' - Louis Armstrong


Very stunning to say the least.



i saw it yesterday for the first time and im still floating from it.
im having a love affair with canadian films at the moment, and The Five Senses is the head of the group.
the character i related to the most, strange as it is, was the old french man who was losing his hearing.
that scene in the church when he confessed that he was scared was so moving.
the simple direction and perfect dialogue just made this movie flow.



Wow...we must have seen a different movie. I wanted to stab myself in the eyes so I could stop seeing it. I only stayed to find out if the girl was found dead or alive. Stupid, boring and irrelevant.


KJSmith89, I used to know a guy who was a huge fan of 60 minutes. I don't know why I'm mentioning that.

no i am db


You stuck to a movie just to see if a fictional little girl was fictionally alive or fictionally dead? It must have moved you in some way.

I typically find that movies that I truly dislike don't have much of an effect on me one way or the other. When I have a strong reaction, even a negative one (like wanting to stab myself in the eyes), then there's usually something there I should probably be paying attention to ...


"I don't want life to imitate art; I want life to BE art." -- Postcards from the Edge


false staremnet. logic doesnt fit here. lots of people finish movies for no good reason


I agree completely. You might also enjoy the work of Krzysztof Kieslowski.
and TJAnderson's Magnolia.

The way to have what we want
Is to share what we have.
