Birth Certificate

Maybe I missed something, but where did Antwone get the Birth Certificate from that he pulls from is pocket while at his Aunt's house?


Do you remember when he stood in a long line at some type of Social Services place? He gave the woman some details and she went and got his file and he signed for it? He looked at it later on in the hotel room and said there was nothing in it.


So obviously there was "something" on it. Mom's name and Dad's name (i.e. continuity error)


He didn't find out what his mom or dads name were until he wen't to see his foster mother Mrs. Tate. She told him his fathers name. He then found his aunt (his fathers sister) over the phone , when he goes to her house and pulls out the birth certificate , some uncle figures out his moms name.

So the information was not found from the birth certificate completely. At least the mother and fathers names.


He knew his mama's name. He's *always* known his mama's name.

But remember, he's always known that his mother was still alive. And she never came to claim him.

So there lies a resistance (understated, yet present) for him to contact her first.

So he started with his dad's side of the family.


He went to some government office and they showed them waiting in line forever, and then he and his girlfriend were in with that lady. He told her he was born in prison, etc. I think she gave it to him.


It is possible that it was in the folder given to him at the social services office. But he says there is nothing in it to his girlfriend and the question remains....why was he searching so hard for the relatives of his father, a man that has been dead for 25 years when he had the name of his living mother on the birth certificate? Certainly a goof in the film...


I was wondering about that myself. Why didnt he just go the prison and ask them who gave birth to a boy on such and such a date (should be the end of problem) I would think. But the only person who really knows why he did it that way is the real Antwone Fisher himself. I would guess. it is possible that the name or names were in the folder. But that wouldn't make sense coinciding with the story line. So maybe it was a goof.


His Birth Certificate stated he was born in 1976 but IMDB's profile says he was born in August 1959. Did the movie update his story to modern times or is IMDB wrong? The DVD interview with the real Antwone Fisher is difficult to determine because he doesnt look 26 or 43. Does anyone know the answer?


I was wondering the same thing. If they updated his story to current times then it would make more since, although I was wondering why didn't he use the internet to search out his parents? The story line would have been '00 or '01 It would fit into the movie. But not if they had him born in '59 like IMDB says. That would of put the focus of the story happening in the early to mid '80s. But by doing the story having him born in '76 then it would be in the '90s. So that is why I couldn't understand some of the discussions on the DVD extras until I saw that he was born much earlier than '76. I just couldn't and still can't figure out why they changed it.

In the interview and directors stuff they mentioned that he was working at the studios in the early '90s. So I would have to gather from that, he was born much earlier then '76. Since the movie states he is around 25. That would make the movies story have to happen in '01 or give or take. There were several years from the end of his Navy career until this movie was made. So story wise in relating to his real life just don't work.

If I want your OPINION - I'll give it to YA!! HA HA


The movie is a loosly based story on the real man. If you read the book "Finding Fish" you'll see that some names are changed, some people who played a big part in his life are left out of the movie, and like what was stated before, he was made to be born in the 70s.
The real Antwone did infact meet his mother at a very early age but lost contact with her. He also had a foster father who was a Church preacher.


Most likely beccause his mother never wanted him. Why *LOOK* for someone that doesn't want you.

He probably would have never even met his mother...if his uncle had not've known who she was. And even then, you saw how he hesitated. He didn't even come in the door at first when him and the uncle finally got to the mama's house.
