MovieChat Forums > Antwone Fisher (2003) Discussion > Goofiest scene in movie history?

Goofiest scene in movie history?

When Antoine comes back from his mom's apartment he is greeted by all these new relatives who it appears in less than 2 hours all got together and cooked a huge meal and made him hand drawn posters. Then the funniest is part is when they open up the doors to reveal all these old farts like this is some huge deal. I can't help but laugh at how hokey and silly that scene is.


Your white ancestors didn't erase your family lines, so no, you wouldn't know the significance of being an African American foster child and discovering you belong to a rich family history that can be seen and experienced in the flesh. Those "old farts" at the table represent generations that were mostly lost and destroyed over the course of 3 centuries of slavery. Antwone connecting with the elders in his family is a VERY huge deal.


That whole scene was silly as hell. He shows up at his uncles house that day and he takes him to see his mom. They are gone maybe 1 hour,2 tops, during which his aunt gets 30 or 40 family members over to the house including all those old farts and manages to get the kids to make drawings for him and cook a 13 course meal from scratch. I couldn't stop laughing at the implausibility of the whole scene.

It's fine to connect with your elders but to put them behind closed doors and have this big reveal was just so goofy. Those old farts were just old farts they weren't slaves.


LMBO...I'm a person of color and I have to agree with the OP that the whole scene was pretty laughable. They just met this guy a couple of hours earlier and they manage to pull off an impromptu family reunion, along with a feast fit for a king? I need to know where they do that at because I might be in the wrong family. If that was my family, he'd be lucky to get past the front door. I'd probably think he was crazy for even going through the trouble of making an extra trip and randomly calling strangers out of the phone book in the middle of the night. I think most people would feel the same way but for some reason, this woman thought that he was so special that the whole family needed to come from all over to see. Most people don't even get a turn out like that for a family reunion that they've been planning for a year, let alone some spare of the moment gathering for someone that they don't even know. I don't care what color your family is, whether it's black, white, red or yellow, I doubt they would make that huge of a deal for a virtual stranger that they didn't even know existed until a few hours prior to that. Those old people probably didn't even know why they were there in the first place. They were likely just happy to get out of the nursing home for a day and get a good home cooked meal for a change. They most likely didn't know who the hell Antwone Fisher was. Don't even get me started on the kids drawing and coloring pictures for this guy.  Talk about overreacting. If I was him I think that that would have scared me off. I wonder if he kept in touch with those people.

I woke up this way...


Your an Idiot. No matter how many paragraph you write attempting to explain your ignorance. If you had any knowledge of Black families and how this scene shows the respect elders should get. Your obviously immature.


Your white ancestors didn't erase your family lines, so no, you wouldn't know the significance of being an African American foster child and discovering you belong to a rich family history that can be seen and experienced in the flesh. Those "old farts" at the table represent generations that were mostly lost and destroyed over the course of 3 centuries of slavery. Antwone connecting with the elders in his family is a VERY huge deal.

Well said screen14.

Don't forget that the scene with the elders was a direct call back to the dream in the barn at the beginning of the movie. One of the ties between the scenes was pancakes.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Eh, I'm a sucker for happy endings. Maybe they ordered from a restaurant!


Well I'd imagine the Aunt would have called everyone and they'd set it up before he even got there. Then by the time he'd driven all the way so he can visit his mom on the poor side of the area and got back that'd have been plenty of time for them to all arrive and settle in.


Well I'd imagine the Aunt would have called everyone and they'd set it up before he even got there. Then by the time he'd driven all the way so he can visit his mom on the poor side of the area and got back that'd have been plenty of time for them to all arrive and settle in.

Yeah, that's true but the point is, why would they bother to do all of that for somebody that they didn't even know existed until a few hours before? I could see if he had been kidnapped or missing for 20 yrs and they had been searching for him, then he miraculously returned home. Then I could understand a family having a celebration, preparing a feast fit for a king and having the kids color pictures but they had never heard of this guy up until a few hours ago. Not days or weeks but hours. So nobody in the family had anything to do that day or any other plans?

I woke up this way...


I would imagine the older folks may have been some or very close to Antones father so they'd all been very thrilled to know that he had a son out there who wants to meet them. So they'd simply make it work.

It's not something very common but it can happen.


Cannot disagree more. It was a powerful scene. A character who has had no real family in his entire life, his only real friend was killed in front him. They came together for him, he saw he had family, that he mattered. Then to get to meet the elders in his family? I was having trouble holding back tears during that scene.

It may have been a bit corny, but it was very sentimental.


"Here...have some cold pancakes."
