The title?

I almost couldn't find this film on the database since I kept looking for the word "bishonen" or "bishounen" I never knew there was a chinese title to it.

What does everyone think of the film? I still can't figure out what Kana's role was other than to put a female lead into the movie. She wasn't Sam's girlfriend or became close to Jet or anything. :x


exactly: put a female lead. she was used in almost all the advertisements! she's there to make the film seem less gay and therefore less scary to conservatives. (although putting on her on the cover like that will probably just let conservatives watch the film when they would have steered clear of it in the first place.)

-MikaMiire- i love direct linking.


I still don't 'get' her role? D: Why the hell did she pick up a guy? Why the heck was she the one to deliver the letter? I know Shu Qi is wildly popular in Taiwan, I'm a huge fan of her too but sheesh, I really don't get why there has to always be a female lead somehow. Even if she has no point to the movie at all.


It seemed to me more like she was the friend to Sam that he confided in. Your typical gay guy's gal pal, I guess. He hadn't confided in his parents that he was gay and he'd kept his relationships hidden, yet you'll notice Kana somehow knew that Sam was gay and that Jet and Sam had feelings for each other that went deeper than simply best friends.

She also is the only reason Jet gets Sam's letter. I think it made sense for her to do it. She knew about Jet and Sam and it would have been much more awkward if Sam's parents had delivered it. Sam had limited aquaintances (almost none) and she was his only other friend and she seems to have been an open minded woman. Regardless of whether Sam left a note for her to deliver the letter or not, her personality appeared strong and caring enough in the few times she appeared that she would understand that Sam wanted Jet to have the letter. So she would deliver it.

It's not exactly that she completely didn't fit in the story, nor was it that she was a leading role. She did have a rather vague and somewhat small part to play, but it was an important role nonetheless. That becomes very clear when Jet talks to her in her antique store and she warns him not to disappoint Sam, perhaps foreshadowing a little as to what happened.

I do also agree with the statement above that suggested she was also included to lure in people who might ordinarily have passed this movie by. It does make it seem much more well-rounded and less exclusively gay seeing her on the cover. And it probably drew in a few fans who wouldn't normally be caught dead with a movie like this :> I'm glad she was included. She didn't hurt the story any and her part in it all actually helped build up the story into such a great movie.


But what completely threw me off from that was why Jet didn't seem to know her or recognise her at all? She was with Same when he first saw her, and he himself was so attracted to them in the first place was because they looked so natural and perfectly happy together. Their smiles and all that. Didn't they hold hands too?

The next time Jet sees her is in a bar, not -that- much time has passed yet. He attempted to pick her up with a crude line but she brushes him off and picks another guy. Wouldn't Jet have at least recognised her as being with Sam or at least have some sort of reaction? It made it seem like that was the first time he saw her.

And then at the antique store, she seemed to know who Jet was perfectly yet it -still- doesn't seem like Jet knew who she was completely. I mean, if Sam liked Jet enough to bring him home and meet his parents, I'm sure he would at least introduce his best friend/trusted confident person to Jet as well. Or at least showed a picture since it's obvious Kana not only knew who Jet was, she knew where he lived and all that too.

Marketing lure aside, she's the only person whose role just confuses me.


I thought Kana picked up a girl at the club? I'm pretty sure it was a girl, at least. Very butch, but still a girl.


Yup, a butch lesbian.
