Oh, come on!

I know almost everyone one of you people USE to watch Pokemon or still are! I use to love Pokemon, okay? I would always use to go home from school and change the channel on the TV to KidsWB. Pokemon would be on and me and my sister would watch it. I was 5 back then but who cares? I don't watch it anymore but hell I'll admit it!


Call me a dork or loser but you know you use to love Pokemon. I don't care if you were 5 like me or even 25. Just admit it.

-holds up blue version proudly-

Thank you. :P


I'll admit it, I'm 20 and I still play Poke'mon on my Nintendo DS and WII. Lol it's not the only thing I spend my time with obviously but I really enjoy pretty much everything Poke'mon. Heck, this Saturday I'm hopping a free bus to Toys R Us to get a free Manaphy. Peace out y'all!



I'm so proud of my love for Pokemon that I'm bumping a 4 year old thread about it!

(Holding up Pokemon games and DVDs) 19 years old and still playing the games and watching the old episodes.

Onaka ga suki mashita.


I'm quite happy to admit to still loving the games and recently getting back into them and definetly picking up Black when it's out next month.

I've just started watching the cartoon again enjoying every moment of it and I'm 29.

An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.


41, been a fan since it's debut in the US when I was 18
