Anyone here?

I've been rewatching old episodes (of course) and have realized all over again how funny this show was. They even stand up to watching when I remember the jokes!


I will agree. I thought this was the funniest show and hoped that it would take the void of Seinfeld. But leave it to the big guys to cancel a good show to try and shove a "friends" clone down our throats.


Where did you get the old episodes?


me too - where can I get copies of old episodes ??


I have all the episodes but 2 on DVD in pretty good condition. I need 7 and 12 - would be willing to trade with anyone with those 2 episodes.


i have every aired ep on 2 dvds.
quality for all are very good, except 3 eps i believe, the pilot i have is terrible...
do u have the unaired eps???


The unaired episodes were aired in Latin America, on the Fox network channel for that area (I am from -and live in- Argentina).
I sent a videocassette with those episodes to a guy who used to run a ILYK site and message board back then (I think he lived in some big city in Texas, probably Dallas). He said he would try to upload them somewhere, but -as far as I know- he never did. The site went down a couple of years ago.


Are we getting reruns of the show in Argentina?????
I'd love to watch it again, and unlike some people here I never got around to tape it.

Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder? I once thought I'd mono for a year. It turned out I was bored


I thought the show was one of the best. Any way I can get copies?


I also would like copies. Please email [email protected]


Is there a way to get copies? [email protected]
Thanks a lot.
