you tube

Most of the episodes of Cupid are on YouTube.

Here's the link to the 1st part of the 1st episode:

Some person was cool enough to to post the show.
Finally, I can see the show without paying $60 on eBay.



I remembered watching this show when it was first on the air. I thought it was an original concept with very good acting and very good writing. It is great to watch the episodes on YouTube. I only have seen two of the episodes on there so far, but I plan to see many more of them. Jeremy Piven and Paula Marshall had excellent chemistry together and made the show work. It's great to see it again. It was as great as I remembered. It would be a prefect fit for ABC today with the way they are targeting and would be a ratings hit for them. Maybe not Grey's Anatomy numbers, but top 20 numbers for certain. Again, great to see it back.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I came to my favorite source of infinite knowledge (IMDB) on a Jeremy Pivin hunt, as I developed a wee little crush on him after watching a strange little t.v. show in 1998 called 'Cupid'. Then I found your post, and you made my week! I have spent the last four hours watching the You Tube episodes. At the risk of repeating myself....THANK YOU!
Until we vote enough to get Sony to release the dvd (its in the lead with 30+% of the votes so far, and each of the You Tube eps. has had at least 1000 views, and great reviews, so someone is watching them!!), this is the next best thing!!
So, again Thanks!!!


Has it been deleted? It's saying on youtube that it was removed. Anyone else have any links, in particular the episode where a woman needed a heart transplant? I wish this was out on DVD. It was such a romantic and charming programme. Thanks in advance.


Its been deleted because of some violation. was there something bad in that episode because i hope someone will put it back on becasue i want to watch this and i cant watch it without the first part of the first episode


I hope this does come out on DVD soon. The YouTube links are missing the opening of the pilot. :P


They probably removed it for copyright violation...YouTube does that. But where else can we see it? Torrent, maybe?


It's still on there; I know 'cause I watched the first two episodes again last night through my YouTube account.


I have all of the episodes on DVD but won't sell them on ebay for $60. Contact me.
