
I love when movies use newspapers to do things like show the progress of time or to make whatever the plot of the movie is seem really important. Sometimes the other stories that weren't pasted over will give an idea of what was going on during filming. In this short, there is the "Chicago Globe" with secondary headlines, "Ship Line and 3 Guilty in Morro Castle Fire as 2-Month Trial Ends", "6 In Sunnyside Seized in Riot Over Eviction", "Scottsboro Boy "Sassed" Guard, Says Prisoner", and "U.S. Wants No Dictator, Not Even a Good One, Al Smith Challenges".

The Morro Castle fire was on September 8, 1934, killing 137 passengers and crew members. "The Scottsboro Boys" were 9 young African-American men who were charged with raping 2 white women in 1931 with trials lasting until 1937 - this case has often been cited as evidence of racism in Alabama during the Depression.
