Favourite moments?

The title of this topic says all....

My favourites:
1. The No Spill Blood wildness
2. Danny dragging Avila's leg during No one lives forever
3. The Elfman dance during I'm So Bad
4. (after We Close Our Eyes) John Avila: One more time! Danny Elfman: Shut up!
5. Reptiles and Samurai- only one thing come up in my mind- Sluggo's voice is teh power



Thanks for that info on "We close our eyes", sdstonesguy! Lovely song, makes me wanna blub. Will look out for you when I next watch the DVD. 19 eh? I was 19 when they started out, but on the wrong side of the Pond, so Missed Out badly. Making up for lost time now though, albums, DVD, vids on YouTube....


Yup, all of the the above!
Can't help wondering - many questions & challenges thrown out by O.B. along with the great music- did they ever get any answers?


I always wondered if he knocked Warren Fitzgerald out during the onstage fracas and shirt-dragging, since the poor guy can barely stay on his feet for the remainder of the songs.

And then he throws his guitar up with the cable still attached, and nearly decapitates himself. Good times!
