Seeking French Subtitles

I'm able to watch French films with French subtitles, but my American ear for French is a little too slow for no subtitles at all. I bought this as part of a box set with La tĂȘte en friche (Afternoons with Margeurite)and Dialogue avec mon jardinier (Conversations with My Gardiner). The other two have French subs, but not this.

It is indeed beautiful and interestingly paced, maybe even better than the other two, but I'm frustrated. Can anyone point me to an edition with French subtitles (sous-titre pour les sourds et malentendants)? Or maybe a really comprehensive synopsis or a screenplay?

I could read the novel, but can't imagine that would help much with the film.



You may have to settle for English subs. For some reason, I can't locate the French subs anywhere for this film. I used a subtitle search engine and had no luck.

Here's what I used:

Good luck, hope this helps a little.

ROTA Top Foreign Lang. Films:


I don't understand that site. What I have is the DVD. Apparently I've have do download the film and watch it as a file or stream off the computer in order to use the subtitles. Downloaded the titles thinking I could open and print them out, but couldn't open them with a movie file to attach them to.

Anyway, no matter. I just finished watching it without subtitles and enjoyed it a lot even so. Probably understood 60-70% of the dialog, even more given context and all.



>>>Downloaded the titles thinking I could open and print them out, but couldn't open them with a movie file to attach them to.

Yes, that is what you'd have to do.

>>>I just finished watching it without subtitles and enjoyed it a lot even so.

It's a great film and terribly underrated.

ROTA Top Foreign Language Films List:


Yes, I watched my DVD without subtitles and got along fine, probably comprehended 80-90%.

