mixed review

I am so into this story that i have even begun storyboarding it myself. I have read it several times. This version has some very good things going for it, and some not so good things. The script is very true to the text (a VERY important part of Carrol's work). The actors' interpretation is fantastic (all of them). Visually, it is challenging to critique because some of it is absolutely brilliant and stunning and some of it is just so out of place you don't what to think. For example: Alice's hair and costume. The costume changes are allright, but the hair just doesn't work. It's too distractingly bizarre and modern (what is she doing with all that stuff on her head?) I was also very disappointed to see part of "Wool and Water" cut (my favorite part), as well as the forest with the fawn. I would recommend this to anyone who truely loves bizarre movies and is passionate about the original story, but don't expect a film that is always easy to watch. Yes, it is like an acid trip, but that's Lewis Carrol for ya. At some point I will have the means to make my own version of Looking Glass. I am heavily influenced by surrealism, but I believe in consistancy: something this movie lacks. For that reason it could be better, but it could certainly be worse. At least it's not a musical!
