UCB Theater

Has anybody actually been to the UCB Theater in New York? I really want to go and may try to someday. I really want to know what it's like.


I infact take classes there I am graduating from Improv 101 on Sunday..I take the train from Hamilton, NJ to get there and it is tottaly worth it. The theater itself is great..great Improv Comedy..every night its like alot of shows only 5 bucks for most of em.

Oh and btw, I'm underground selling Wolfman Jack doorbells, mailbox openings, garage openers whatever you need..so if anyone intrested get to me.


Are all of the UCB cast members there. I would love to see Trotter and Adair in Person!


no, not right now. Amy performs there on most sundays, but Matt walsh, matt besser, and Ian Roberts are all in LA, starting up their new theater out there. They are their this upcming weekend though for the 56 hour straight Del Close Improv Marathon. In fact this weekend - Im taking a class from Trotter himself - Matt Walsh!


They make appearences somtimes on special occasions, took class from Walsh before.


I've been to the UCB theater three times and I love it!! It's a cozy little theater in a basement like setting. There's a little bar in the back and there are about 20 seats. Not very big and the stage is on the ground but it's great!! I've enjoyed watching Amy and many other great improv comics in there.

Why don't we just cuddle instead


There are definently more than 20 seats.
What kind of show are ya gonna put on with just 20 seats?!?


Listen!! I said ABOUT!! I'm pretty sure there were more seats but I wasn't exactly standing there counting each seat one by one so I think you need to take a chill pill!!!

Why don't we just cuddle instead


Their Web site says 150 seats. Maybe its cozy atmosphere feels more like 20 ...



Wow...I'm calling the police to tell them what really happens at the UCB theater...thank you kingofcollege for that helpful tip...maybe I'll get a reward!!! WOW!!!!

Why don't we just cuddle instead


That's funny you should ask, I just got back from the theater about an hour ago. There were totally different people from the TV show, but I was not dissapointed, they were all hilarious. If you're even in the area I definitley reccomend it, plus the show's only 8 bucks, so what have you got to lose?

What would Jesus do...
for a Klondike bar?


I love it when UCB performs their act infront of a live audience. The people watching all have a confused and distasteful look on their face. For some reason that's what I love most about the show.


I take a class in LA. Needless to say its very good. They have a Myspace show on wed. at the UCB theatre in Hollywood. Their coming to NY in Oct. to do Myspace. Its seriously funny just be prepared to have your Myspace page as their material. If you dare.lol


I've been to the UCB Theater once on a sunday night. i was lucky enough to see Matt Besser and Amy Poehler there. Matt had to go back to L.A. the next morning.


Yes - it's amazing. The best nights to see show are Sunday night for A$$$$$$$$cat (Amy Poehler is frequently there and so is usually at least one current SNL member, often more).

For great comedy by total unknowns, go to Harold Night.


out of Harold Night and the Harold teams came people like Paul Scheer, Rob Riggle and Rob Huebel.

(they have a theatre in LA now too - I haven't been but I'm sure it's also great since Besser is often there)
