How the heck did I miss this?

I picked up season one today at a local discount store for and 3.00 (yes 3.00... seriously) and all I can say is wow. I'm ashamed that I hadn't heard of this and am so incredibly happy to have discovered this gem. The humor in this is pretty broad and seems a bit ahead of its time. Somehow I could see this appearing on [adult swim] now, instead of Comedy Central back in 1998.

I was especially surprised by Amy Poehler. I had only known her from SNL which was okay, but didn't seem to leave any room for her comedic talent. I found myself looking forward to every appearance she had in this. I'm left to wonder why she hasn't been put to better use in film or television since.

Anyway, I just had to share my enthusiasm about this comic gem. I'm looking forward to ordering the rest of the series.


Glad you like the show, better late than never. Season 2 is slightly better in my opinion (3 is the worst).

I love Amy Poehler, but as hard as it is to say, I think she's the weakest of the 4.

Shaka Da Gnu


True, I'm happy to have found it. I'll order the second season soon.

I think she was at the bottom of my list as far as female comedians go, but this made me like her a lot more. Knowing that she is the only lead female makes me feel like she holds her own in a unique way. I especially like the bits where she's telling world leaders what to say. lol But maybe I won't feel this way about her after season two... we'll see.

I think all four are pretty talented, and I like how clever the show is, what with providing a story-arc to each episode and season. Plus, the general premise is great.
