MovieChat Forums > Total Request Live Discussion > Can't stand the 'TRL' generation..

Can't stand the 'TRL' generation..

mtv irritates me, but this is the worst, hands down.. Just because the videos, and the bands are popular, doesn't mean they're good..


shut up!

yours truly, one of those wretched kids from the TRL generation and damn proud of it!


I totally agree with you. These ten videos are the only ones shown on MTV nowadays. And they aren't even good. The bands suck. The videos suck. The damn audience screams over half of it. MTV lost it's way.

Oh sure, we have MTV2, and they do show videos 24/7. But wait a minute, isn't that why we have regular MTV? Wasn't the point of regular MTV to show a sh*tload of videos all the time? Now we only get 10 sh*tty ones a day. (I don't count the 2am to 5am, because really, who's up then, it doesn't count)

MTV died when Kurt Cobain was killed (he was murdered by Courtney Love, or by someone she hired).

And i despise the response of the first person to reply to you. "Shut up". Just what i'd expect from the brain-dead musically illiterate.

A word to all you TRL-ers: Something Corporate, Blink-182, Less than Jake, Avril Lavigne, or whatever other "band" you like, are NOT punk.

Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Clash, Iggy Pop, and The Pixies are punk. Punk died in the earlier 80's. no new punk artists have come out since then.

I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.


ya know what? if it pisses you off so much, why are you on the TRL message board? I'm sorry, about the whole shut up thing, it was immature, but i did mean it jokingly. but FYI, no one thinks, blink, and avril and ppl like that are punk. ppl like them but dont refer to them as punk, those who do, can't differentiate from the real thing and posers.


Fleurgirl i agree with you..sum people really need to get a life.I like TRL and I think Lala looks hott.N who gives a f*** about Avril,Blink 182 etc..I dont watch Mtv for that..I like other shows like Pimp my ride,Doggy Fizzle,Trl,Mc Battle n sum otherz..

can u dig it sucka!!!



brodie kashmir is 100% correct. a lot of people think that good charlotte is punk because their guitarist has a mohawk. the last time mtv played any good music was back in the early to late 90's when Kurt Cobain died.


IT's just time to move on. If you love old punk and Kurt MTV don't care about us who is over 18. MTV even back in 83 were a kid network and I hope they play old school rap on VH1 classic.


I just started watching TRL a few months ago. (I live in Canada and we just got MTV on digital cable and satellite) I think the show is good, if im home, I'll watch it. It does suck that they don't play the whole video but honestly I don't want to hear most of them. I have a different taste in music (I like rock and can't stand Rap, which they constantly play)

You have to remember TRL isn't a show for you. The demagraphic is teens 13-17 imo. So those people vote on the music that is played, and that's what they play on TRL. So I guess the people have just outgrown TRL, this is whats popular for kids nowadays and your not kids anymore.


i technically should have been a member of the TRL generation, i was 12/13 when it premiered, but even when i liked some of the videos (i was young and stupid, thankfully i snapped out of it) i hated the show, i hated those stupid screaming teenagers, especially the ones who cried when a celebrity they liked was on. i like a lot of actors and musicians but not enough to burst into tears at the very site of them, maybe some awkward giggling, but no tears. i also don't understand the point of autographs, but that is a tale for another time.

Trl and the Box Office seem very related to me. just because a movie makes a lot of money doesn't mean it's worth seeing, it just depends on the stupidity of the audience that is willing to shell out 9.25 to see it. just like trl has nothing to do with good music, even though occasionally a decent band will infiltrate the countdown. all that does is make a whole bunch of teenybopper idiots who only know the singles off the record start talking about how much they love the band when they only like them because they're gaining popularity. then when i go to the store to try and buy their new cd they're out because those little bastards got there first!

a deep breath, and release. i've ranted far too long on this topic and i haven't slept in 24 hours, so if this sounds like the raving of a mad woman, it is, but i do apologize if my logic doesn't actually make sense to the general public (or whoever reads this), i'm tired and as of right now this is brilliant in my mind.

Wow, look at me. I'm not even listening to a word you're saying.


nickELocin, I agree with you on how I was also young and stupid when TRL first aired. I've never seen anything like it. I thought it was "cool" but now what happen to it? It seems that the vjs try too hard to be cool. And TRL only show certain artists. Like last year it was just GC. Gosh, not all of us like them. I stopped watching it. I'd rather watch VH1.


<<(i was young and stupid, thankfully i snapped out of it) i hated the show,>>

I identify with you and am also glad I snapped out of the MTV phase in general. I don't want MTV at all, except to record the videos that play in the morning w/o interruption and to make an audio tape out of them.

What the ____ does it matter if someone is punk or not? People are so caught up on these labels they don't realize that it's all the same MANUFACTURED BS. Unless you listen to things like DirecTV radio channels you are only going to here the music on the main media outlets if it is commerical ( IE. manufactured). And this debate over what is and isn't music. . . I don't know about the rest of you, but when I was born I believe it was to enjoy MY life and listen and do the kinds of things I want to do. If you want to listen to metal and I want gospel we are both going to think the other's sucks. So get on with your life and quit worrying about whether your music is better than my music because it's all relative and really unimportant.


Yeah, I hate mtv and all it stands for really. Check out some of my other posts for my philosphies. I dont like hard rock, I dont like pop, and i dont like rap, i guess i am screwed then. becuase GOD *beep* DAMNIT I HATE THE *beep* OUT OF TRL AND ALL OF THESE *beep* BRAINWASHED *beep* HEAD KIDS *beep* YOU GO TO HELL *beep* BITCHES...he he..somebody is bi *beep* polar .


sorry about that


Just because the videos, and the bands are popular, doesn't mean they're good..

it doesn't mean their bad either

My Other Sig Doesn't Suck


true, i love some bands with videos-

because basiclly if you are on a major label since say MTV came out they make you release at least one music video i am sure. Even indie bands have videos out. I am not aginst mtv's videos.


Oh man look what I started.. Not much has changed, TRL is awful..




jrickwor, I just have two questions for you. Do you like the music you listen to because the lyrics move you, or is it because it's popular?
Do you wear the clothes you wear because you love the way you feel in them, or is it just because it's the hot style?
By the way, I'd rather hang out with the unique "outsiders" than the trend clones any day. The "outsiders" have more interesting things to say.


the musics popular bc people like it, including me! obviously everyone but u freaks likes it so why dont u go and listen to "freaks r us"..its a new banmd that just came out to promote killing PETS!!! i bet ur into that! GAWD..anywasy i like to wear sweat pants...theri aeropostale, ashton kutcher wears aeropostale... anywasy if u gana bash clothes it shows u r the CLONE! of bad lookingness... BYE


"have u noticed how all the cool kids watch trl, u were obviously one of thoes "outsiders" who liked to be unique, since when is that cool!? ITS NOT!"

Who are the cool kids?! I also heard all the cool kids smoke drugs, but the commercial also told me that they were bad, so all the cool kids are very bad! Wow, if you really do believe in this statement, there is no hope for you.

"this is because u listen to stupid music with no catchy lines or even a melody!!!!"

Wow, to think that's all I need, every body should make songs that have catchy lines like "ery body in the club gettin tipsy" or what ever the hell it is.

"by the way if u think blondes are dumb ( im blomde by the way) and u like to go on blonde sites and bash them it shows again how u are stupid and loserish and how u think ur so much better becasue u have purple freak hair... "

u is just a letter, you is the correct spelling. Blomde is not a word, it is spelled blonde. You got it correct the first time, you should have stuck with that. I don't care who you heard it from, but loserish is not a word. "You're" or "you are" is not justified by putting just the letters u and r together. The correct spelling of becasue is because. Now, I know you might have mistyped some of these, but at least if you are making a case that you are intelligent, at least look at the spell check. I personally don't think blondes are dumb, just you and your freaky golden locks.



I WSANT TRYING TO SAY IM SMART!!! HAH!... AND OHHHHHH..the cool kids are sooo badd....ohh my freaking gooddd..i have to tell my mommy! omg, get a hold of urself, and u obviously listen to some music since u know the lyrics, u just wana be a loner! cause ur freakish and LOsERISH! which is a word to me! and my "locks" or whatever u called them is HAIR wtf were u tlaking about!


hahahahahahahaha, of course you weren't sweet heart. Honestly, I wouldn't believe you if I tried. The cool kids aren't always bad, but I don't need to justify my life actions to what the "cool kids" like. Of course I know some of the lyrics to some songs because I'm bombarded with their crappy songs on a daily basis on the radio. Have you ever heard of a story called goldie locks and the three bears? She wasn't called that because she had golden pad locks around her body, she was called that because she was blonde. Locks is another term for hair.


U---R is JUSTIFIED!!!! like Justin Timberlake! so there! HAH

and to the other weirdo.....the musics popular bc people like it, including me! obviously everyone but u freaks likes it so why dont u go and listen to "freaks r us"..its a new banmd that just came out to promote killing PETS!!! i bet ur into that! GAWD..anywasy i like to wear sweat pants...theri aeropostale, ashton kutcher wears aeropostale... anywasy if u gana bash clothes it shows u r the CLONE! of bad lookingness... BYE


Your idiocy knows no bounds.


sorry if i dont read story books with my mommy on a regular basis like you..if u had friends maybe ud get out more and see that the songs arnt crappy... ur hair is...freak... maybe it would be better if she was covered in golden padlocks and ur RIGHT! my idiocy knows no bounds! in fact thoes Bounds ur talking about leap and bound all the way to new york where i will go to watch trl and listen to the best music that u dont like bc u have purple freak hair! maybe u should should conform and not be so weird, maybe then ull get some friends FREAKO!


HAHAHA... I get out plenty, I have great friends. My hair is not purple. I can read books by myself, I do not need mommy to help me get threw them. Why are you so stupid to think just because I don't have a let's be like everyone else mentality that that makes me a freak? I don't listen to the music on TRL because I have "Purple Freak Hair," (as stated above I don't have purple freak hair) I don't listen to TRL because the music on it lacks no substance on the whole. Plus they only show clips of the flippen videos anyway, but hey, at least we agree on something, we both think your an idiot.


i don't mean to interfere with the little argument you two are having here, but i wanted to say that, stark592002, i agree with you completely about trl

as for you jrickwor, or whatever your name is, how old are you?? because from reading your posts, you act like you're least half of what you say makes no sense.

Why don't you make like a hockey player, and get the puck out of here.
-Two and a Half Men


The people at MTV would love you. You're just the mindless sheep they love to gear their products to.




am i old or do u remember when TRL was just carson showing 5 videos in a half hour?? and it was just called total request cause it wasnt live lol. those were the days...


And *beep* hate their music!!!

I was born in 1991,but I hate Rap and new punk and stuff with a passion.

Classic Rock was what I was raised on(parents,grandparents)and all I'll ever like.

"I'm a idiot cuz i can't make a lamp?"
"No you're a genius cuz u can't make a lamp"


Yea I was raised on classic rock too, The Beatles and The Doors all day... now I'm fixated on Led Zeppelin and Depeche Mode right now, woo the good old days when music was actually music not some over stated black guy saying some crack assed poem to a beat.



I'm stuck on Billy Idol and Def Leppard...don't ask why.

"I'm a idiot cuz i can't make a lamp?"
"No you're a genius cuz u can't make a lamp"


the way i see it, the music fans are divided into two groups - the 'serious' music fans - normally in to non-commercial/underground/older music, genres such as rock, rap, jazz, punk whatever, and the people who just like the more commercial stuff you see on mtv - normally younger (but not always) and into pop rnb etc.

the first kind go on message boards and talk sh!t about the second kind. different artists aim their music at different groups (obviously), and is it really the end of the world if all the people in the second group dont like the same music as the first? come on people, cant we all just get along?

FYI im somewhere in the middle - i watch trl but mostly cos that vannessa chick is hot.




I'm fed up with all the rap and hip-hop "music"... I guess I'm just sick of hearing about pimps 'n' hoes, or female body parts, or sex all the time. Smoking weed... I got shot 9 times... pfffffff... I don't care. It's just over powering actual bands. I mean that one show Direct Effect or whatever... how come they get a show with their kind of "music" we need one with bands... does anyone agree with me on the whole rap is annoying thing?

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


I agree with jrickwor i love trl and all and i love the music .Also not all the music talks about sex and drugs and all that crap


MTV has very little to do with actual music. Music goes in yer ear, videos are for yer eyes. There's a big difference.. If you don't believe me. Sharpen up two pens and stick one in yer ear and one in yer eye. You'll see

TRL is annoying as heck. What's up with the screaming?
Damn teens


I am someone from the TRL generation and I can't stand our generation. "MTV" sucks. It should be called "RTV" for Reality TV because that's all that is on there.


Ok, I admit, I watch TRL every day, but it's not really because I like the music (well I like a few songs but most of it is trash). It's interesting to see what these people like, and what's popular (besides I have an unusual obsession with countdowns for some reason). I wish MTV would go back to having music on it instead of all these crappy reality shows. My friends think I'm really weird because I watch TRL but I'm also one of the best math students in the state for my age. I have to say though, there are a lot of stupid people who watch TRL (just see the #1 song Wake Up, sung, or attempted to be sung, by Hilary Duff)


eMpTV is more like it. I'm in the "age group" for TRL and I can honestly say it's a sleazy piece of crap.



Hey everyone! its cool to be unique now. Since most people are "unique" and "not like everyone else" its kinda ironic.

anyway, most people like music when they hear it again and again. the only reason the people who dont like trl is because its on TV. i like trl sometimes and i like the music they play sometimes.

trl is just and outlet of new songs released by popular artists. they usually play all different kinds music so i dont get why people hate it with a passion. i know u heard this before but if u dont like it u dont have to watch it. there is no reason to call it stupid because its not - its just different music.


It isnt right because I'm in my teens and I while I was growing I watched TRL around 98-02 and now I watch when I can. So when you say it sucks it is basically insulting my childhood if you think about it.

I think this whole conversation is about is that when two different times meet they never get along


It isnt right because I'm in my teens and I while I was growing I watched TRL around 98-02 and now I watch when I can. So when you say it sucks it is basically insulting my childhood if you think about it.

I think this whole conversation is about is that when two different times meet they never get along


One group I don't really see them playing much on MTV anymore, save for VH1Hits/Classic, is NIN or Nine Inch Nails.
They remain extremely popular despite most of the mainstream outlets steering away from him.
As for all the poppy hits you always hear on the radio, maybe it's because most stations in the country are Clear Channel dominated.
All going off the same playlists approved by the central management in some faraway city.


Hey, I like Ohio is for Lovers! lol...anyways...jrickwor, your posts make me laugh. True, I have no idea whether you are on the TRL or Non-TRL side but the argument between you and stark was killer...especially when you spelled because like made me laugh, ha.

Not all people who watch TRL are just modified robots that will do, say, watch, or listen to whatever is hot at the moment. But for example, Livestrong bracelets, so hot last year and now like nobody even wears them (I would still be wearing mine if I hadn't accidentaly flung it into the trash seriously, it snapped in half and flew) anymore. Hanson...sure they were popular in the nineties but hardly anyone remembered them except for the fact that they were the kids who sang MmmBop (I'm still an avid fan though). So not all kids are like that, like one of my friends has been sticking by Jesse McCartney's side since he was on All My Children when he was like 10.
But a good example of something that people will just do because everybody else the ever-so-annoying Napoleon Dynamite, what the hell is up with that!? I have no idea who could find a movie about a kid who talks to his pet llama and has a total nerd of a brother who internet dates funny...not to mention that the movie makes no sense, but somehow you can't go a day at my school without hearing somebody go "Heck yes!".

I watch TRL for the music, the stars, and the VJ's. Some people watch it because everybody else is, some people don't watch it period. To each his own.

-x-All's calm on the Westerly front...-x-


I agree. Not every single person who watches TRL just listens to the popular music. Just because someone likes TRL doesn't mean they're a nut job or a wanna be. I also have no idea what people find so funny in Napolean Dynamite.



Thank you vlnplayer! lol...I hate Napoleon, well I don't hate it. But I saw another Vote For Pedro tee shirt today...ugh people just give it up!

-x-All's calm on the Westerly front...-x-



MTV and TRL SUCKS!!!!!!!!all you people who are lie "why are you on here if you dont like TRL" who says we cant?

