Content appropriateness?

I know this is a subjective question, but I'm wondering about the age appropriateness of this movie. How much sex/nudity/violence is there in it? Any predictions on if it would merit a PG/PG-13/R rating?

Thanks for any responses!


I would guess a PG-13 rating, nothing is shown really, but sex is implied


There's a scene (that I found hilarious) where an old seedy judge propositions a young woman because he wants to lick her feet and have her whip him. That's probably as inappropriate as it gets.


we have been watching this in my french 3 class and today we just saw that part! The whole class was laughing and the teacher just said "er, i forgot that part was in there!"

Vous au moins, vous ne risquez pas d'etre un legume. Puisque meme, un artichaut a du coeur!


we watched it in my french 2 class in high school, so its not very bad... just implied sex and bastard is the worse word used


About a PG to PG-13 level.
Of course, I'm sure France rates it "Tous Publics" just like they do with almost everything.
