does anybody know if studio home entertainment is going to make a milo 2?if they do i would watch it,but only if they bring back the person who first played milo.


I don't think so, cuz I havent heard anything but you should write them a letter or try and write one to the producer & just express your interest. i'm sure they'd like to know it had a fan.

milo was made before 1998 though, round about 96 or 97 as mila kunis clearly much younger in it than she was in that 70s show @ the same time. Also the actor who played milo would have been 12 in 1998. he looked a lot younger than 12.

if a sequel was to be made, someone else would be cast as the actor who played milo is 18 years old this year.



there Will be no milo 2 because in the first Milo Clair kill Milo toward the end of the movie but then again how many times have they kill Jason voorhees

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill

