The New Amazon TV Series of LOTR will have nudity

Hmmm, I don't think I want to see Gimli's thingy


I'm still grateful that PJ made Gollum's tiny loincloth defy gravity, while he was climbing up rocks and down cliffs.

That said, I'm not categorically against nudity in a Numenor story, everyone's naked under their clothes after all. It's just that one of my bigger fears for the upcoming show that we know nothing about is that they'll try to make it too much "Game of Thrones" because that's the biggest-selling Fantasy story of recent years. And "Game of Thrones" was meant to be the anti-LOTR, you can see GRRM's impulse to overturn everything in LOTR all through the books.


Just one more "woke" shit show I won't be watching.


So far, everyone is fully clothed. The most revealing we've seen is the low neck dress that the Southlander woman wears.


Nudes in Ring Of Power?? woah.. I hope it's Galadriel. I just wanna see what a savage looks like underneath those clothes.
