This movie rocks!

Have you ever tried to talk with someone about this movie only to have them have no idea what you're talking about?
It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.



I saw this at a party...they were playing techno Im as mad as hell and im not going to take it anymore...

I was 3-4 younger then the people at the house party, it was a senior party and i was crashing at the house of the younger brother..

Great night of partying, they were playing this on the big screen.


The first video to The Gate to the Mind's Eye blew me always... it still does. From the opening of the eye, the giant demon in the sky, and to the future battle going on in the city.


I wish I knew where all these videos come from, because the others, The Mind's Eye, Beyond the Mind's Eye and Odyssey Into The Mind's Eye took scenes from movies, animated films, commercials and video games which of course had early computer graphics and made a story out of them.
