WHO plays Aunt Ruth?



This question regarding who plays the “part” of Aunt Ruth has been asked before but I don’t know if it has ever been definitively resolved. I am posting this question really because I have always been curious about who might really play red headed Aunt Ruth if indeed there is no “Maya Bond” (as I believe). Rita Taggart is often suggested as a possibility and perhaps Cori Glazer too. Maybe even Lisa Ferguson. Anyone know for certain?


any rationale behind Lisa Ferguson ?


any rationale behind Lisa Ferguson ?

I just have some observations about Lisa that may or may not have some deeper connections.

As you likely know, I tend to enjoy the film from a symbolic POV with many levels of understanding. In this view, Aunt Ruth becomes one symbol of “outer consciousness” that is unaware of what is happening inside “the mind”. Since I like to imagine all of the characters as symbolic manifestations of mental actions, “the mind” is not specific to any of the symbolic characters (Betty, Rita, Adan et al) but representative of “the mind” in a wider symbolic philosophic perspective that is in a cycle of repetitively making choices (choosing “Rhodes/roads/paths) that lead to self destructive negative results instead of the “dream/desire/Hollywood“ outcome that is desired and expected (desire leads to suffering).Understood more as a symbolic expressionist artwork than a material world narrative.

Ruth is shown as "absent minded", "forgetful" and "unaware" and might be thought of as symbolizing “outer consciousness” that is ignorant and mostly unaware of, and absent from, dark, dangerous inner workings of the mind…though really with some knowledge but is too ignorant and forgetful to understand and realize how to evolve to a higher state of mind.

My answers to “Where is Aunt Ruth” is she is “absent” or “unaware (where/ware). I like “in another world” too as well as “gone”, all kind of the same thing for me. Not “mentally present” of the inner mental world. I view Canada as “up” “north” and symbolic of “the head” vs. a “lower region” down in southern California where the "real" action is taking place (“reality is inside the skull“).

In a sense from this POV, Ruth is “made up”. Heavy use of make up reinforces this and suggests she could be “anyone”. I am uncertain if it matters who is under the makeup but is can be interesting to consider, but I expect it is ultimately a rabbit hole. For me it makes perfect sense that Aunt Ruth could indeed suggest “anyone“ from a symbolic POV. (Maya Bond...can be suggestive of living in a "bond of illusion" and "a untruth")

But the reasons I mentioned Lisa Ferguson are because she is credited as a dancer as well as 1st AC (assistant camera), also known as a "focus puller". This seems to draw my interest as a possible pointer. In the jitterbug portion, she can be seen “coming out of the blue and entering the red (cyan/magenta) before disappearing. This is a very notably different and odd transition that happens only once. It reminds me of my view of Betty symbolically “coming out of the blue, into the red and disappearing”. I consider it one of the MANY (more than two) artistic symbols within the jitterbug montage. (BTW...her regular swing dance partner was at the time Peter Loggins, who I recognize from pictures. That was how I figure which dancer is Lisa.)

As for the job of 1st AC for which Lisa is credited…
From wiki: “some production personnel consider the focus puller to have the most difficult job on set”….“Sharp focus is fundamental to reproducing a realistic, appealing image, and a viewer's attention is automatically drawn to sharper areas. When done correctly, good pulling goes mostly unnoticed by the audience.” Interesting when considering how Lynch also might be thought of as a focus puller in a metaphorical sense. This can also seem a metaphor for our own awareness and what we focus on in life. In a certain sense, what can be seen occurring in MD is a symbolic portrayal of “focusing” on the wrong things and missing or misunderstanding a better path. (There are three out of focus moments which are intended.)

The 1st AC is responsible for keeping the camera clean and is called upon to “check the gate” (heard on the set of TSNS). This reminds me of a couple of things. As AR walks back to the courtyard, the vines on the building in the background momentarily come in to sharp focus. This would be the work of the 1st AC. The vines are one of several elements in the film that can artistically recall neuron pathways. Also, as Laura is shown outside Havenhurst in the bushes, the sound of the gate being opened is heard, that seems to correspond to her waking to see AR. It is from my POV, important to note that the gate had been locked when she first arrived. Since I see Havenhurst as one of several symbolic regions of the mind, the closed gate can be thought of as a "safe and closed mind" that “opens” to allow a “dark desire”(symbolic Rita/Castigliane/Camilla) to sneak in (“allowed” in really via choices…until “the mind” evolves to understanding and learning from “the signs”). “Checking the gate” can take on multiple meanings now as Adam follows his darker desire and does not connect with Betty…(dum da dum…means DUMB!). Note the words as Carol sings 16 Reasons…“(15) you say we’ll never part (16) our loves complete”…just as Adam and Betty connect their eyes. (The screenplay says “They each seem to feel the thrill of the thunderbolt…”). Of course they do not complete that “love” (they part)and the sequence has Betty running out immediately after Adam chooses one of the bad Rhodes/roads/paths). We will see the result from this decision (choice of path/road).

Note the lyrics…“…am I IN LOVE. I always answer yes, might as well confess”. Now recall how Betty says “I’m IN LOVE with you” instead of “I love YOU”…one is self centered while the other compassionate. Consider this with the lyrics to 16 reasons (I LOVE YOU) as suggesting something compassionate by comparison with the ignorance and stupidity of Every Little Star. As well as "might as well confess" suggesting “guilty”. All very suggestive and connective for me in a symbolic understanding.

Hanks line “Checking the gate. We’ll tell you what happens next!” taken in context with Adams "choice" can suggest we are going to see what happens…is the gate open or closed? In MD it is left open (as deduced from the choices made) and leads to the darkness and negativity (suffering).

Lord it is too easy to go off topic when discussing but much is interwoven!

I forgot to mention…It is unclear if Lisa has a speaking part…someone sounding like a man can be heard off screen (recalling Aunt Ruth's off camera line) saying “Checking the gate?”. But Lisa does not seem to have a line though that might be something that relates to the 1st AC for which she has a credit. I presume that the woman seen standing next to the camera as the shot widens is Lisa. It is noticed that she wears a red shirt and blue jeans white sneakers. Maybe someone has additional info or can clarify some of this.

