i think i saw this but

My kids watch the series all the time but i caught part of one that seemed light years ahead of the regular scooby stuff.It was almost adult and seemed really scary.Well not scary but...Anyway could this be the 1 or do you know the 1 i mean? Maybe there is a series of these more mature ones.


this may be the one you're thinking of. my little girl loves to watch scooby-doo but this is one of the more "modern" ones and it was a bit too scarey and disturbing for her. it wasn't the usual slapstick she was used to from scooby where the ghost would be revealed as really a human being at the end. she had nightmares the night she watched it. this one is definitely out of the classic scooby league and should be left to the viewing of older kids.



The last time I saw this, which was a loong time ago, it really scared me! I think "Scooby-Doo and the Cyber-Chase" is the best one.



Too me this was the best Scooby Doo film made, its dark style is really cool, but it did freak me out when I was little. I was 5 when it came out.


I remember first getting this movie when it came out for my birthday when I was 13. It didn't scare me at all. I'll say that it's one outstanding movie, and I wish the animation style would be used for other cartoons, and super hero cartoons because the animie style is just crap that is as bad as terrible movies. I still think the movie is outstanding, and Scooby Doo is cool.

I will say that they manage to pull off well straying from what's been overused in Scooby Doo media, and I commend the person that came up with that idea. This movie is strong written material that includes enough mystery to keep the person guessing as to who the savage scoundrels are, what their plans are, and what is the answer as to how people dissappeared on Moonscar Island.
