Did anyone watch this as a kid?

I know I did. It came out when I was young, and I was super scared of it. But it also was one of my favorite things to watched even though it scared the hell out of me.


It's only now really that when looking back, it's so much scarier than the rest.


I remember the first day I got it. 5years old living in upstate PA in the deep deep woods I watched this movie twice that night and love every minute of it. Fast forward in a thrift store with my girlfriend looking at ol tapes of our childhood favorites we found her brave little toaster and behind something I found this. Original box that I remembered. People like to push the feeling of nastalgia but sitting in bed with my girlfriend watching this movie. This 6'2 bearded man resorted back to that wide eyed 5 year old for an hour an I loved ever minute of it


I used to watch it whenever it was on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater.


I watched this one, cyber chase, and the live action movies all the time as a kid.
