No more long hair :(

Has anyone seen Iron Chef America? Recently I read that he's a chairman or something in that show so I put it on and I couldn't believe my eyes!! Mark shaved his beautiful long hair!!! I was soooo shocked! He looked great with his long hair from the series!! Why would he do something like that?


Maybe he just had to do that to get the part. Actors have to make some sacrifices from time to time...

It can't rain all the time...

reply realize he wore a wig on STH, right? Even Mark said that himself. He wanted to stick with short hair so thart he could surf when he wanted to.


though uber-sexy with long hair...he did wear a wig...and i think the longest hair he ever had was in the movie "Double Dragons" (total bowl cut)...i'm pretty sure he even shaved his head for Brotherhood of the Wolf...its all go though...he is awsome no matter what his hair looks like...>^_^<


Thanks people...little uninformed me didn't know. By the way, where did you read that? I wanna know more. I just got the series on DVD so mabe I'll get something there but just in case.


Check up on Abahb...that's where I think I heard it from...I couldn't find the article I'm talking about...but mark said it himself..


That's too diappointing that he wore a freaking wig on STH.
I own you.
