My favorite scene.

My favorite scene is where Jackie eulogizes his friend Michael at Ned Devine's funeral:
"Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend. But I don't ever remember telling him that. The words that are spoken at a funeral are spoken too late for the man who is dead. What a wonderful thing it would be to visit your own funeral. To sit at the front and hear what was said, maybe say a few things yourself. Michael and I grew old together. But at times, when we laughed, we grew young. If he was here now, if he could hear what I say, I'd congratulate him on being a great man, and thank him for being a friend."

Chokes me up every time.


Mine was when Jackie was trying to fix Ned's face, and his teeth popped out. Jackie was laughing, and Michael said, "Watch he doesn't bite again!" Jackie said, "You're panicking me, man. Go wipe up those intestines!"

"I'm filled with Scotch, bitterness, and impure thoughts!"


Rixter, me too. I love that scene. It gets me every time.


Right at the beginning when Jackie pretends that he has the lottery numbers and his wife asks him if they have won and he says no, but it got me my apple tart didn't it? *lol*


I agree, rixter. That scene was very touching.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


Too many to name--but the Ultimate was when Lizzy Quinn gets pushed off the ledge in the phone booth & hits the ground in perfect timing to the broken fiddle string. Such editing & comic genius timing. I've watched that scene over & over!!!


WND is one of our favorite all time movies. We have watched it, probably 20 times, and we have many favorite scenes. But, my husband has actually delivered this eulogy at two of his college friends' funerals. It is beautiful.


I was how their lives would have changed. Would it be better or worse?Would the village have lost its charm?


I loved the eulogy too but if ever there was a starting scene to reel you in it's the scene about getting his apple tart.
