I love this movie!

Though it seems i'm the only one who does.

~*~I hope you stare just long enough to see the heart that's beating here inside of me~*~


No I love it too :D


I love it, too. It's great seeing familiar places, like Milton School, Myer Centre and King George Square, particularly as the Square is under construction at the moment. Is it on DVD yet?

"What else would I want to pump you for? I really just said that, didn't I?"


I love this movie too. When Marc says "I'm gonna make him a sandwich he can't refuse.", I just about lost my house. It's a sham that no one really knows about this movie. Is it on DVD yet?



Love this film. It's a childhood favourite.

Is it on DVD yet?
It has been for a long time
http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/dvd/dvd-genres/kids-family/real-macaw-t he/523421

Hey son! Over here! I'm over here. At the banyan trees.


