Foxy Lady

Oh, how funny was it when Stu Miley swang like a monkey on the four poster bed? I thought my ribs were going to break from laughing so hard. I swear. I think that was the funniest part of the entire film. To see him hovering over her and swinging around all proud and powerful. He hones in her as though he is going in for the kill. All goes terrible from that point on. HA HA. Seeing Branden Fraser doing that was just too hillarious for words. HA HA HA HA


nah dude
never use the title of a hendrix song again

Nature cannot be controlled nor contained.


Oh, I agree, I agree! I laughed sooooo hard! (Almost as much as I laughed when I saw what the "Little Jack Horner" monkey doll could do!) Oh, I think I'll never be able to hear "Foxy Lady" again w/o laughing!

[email protected]


Director Henry Selick explained (in the commentary on the DVD) that Fraser had studied mating poses of real monkeys and imitated some of these in the four poster bed scene. The director had told Bridget Fonda to play the whole scene in disbelief and as if she thought "Is he being really sexy, or just weird?"


Thanks for the extra info! I just watched it again last week, and still laughed myself silly, especially at that scene! I still give this film very high marks!
