Ella's accent?

Did Ella (Linda Bassett) have an identifiable accent from a certain part of England? It was a little hard to understand her speech at times - much like when I saw The Full Monty for the first time and I had some trouble with the dialogue.


All the native English characters had Lancashire accents :) There's a few different varieties of that accent. Ella's was softer compared to say, Annies. But that may be because the actress who played Annie is actually from Lancashire while Linda Bassett was putting an accent on (very convincingly though!!!) And I know this as I was raised in Lancashire, lucky me -_-


Thank you. As an American, I would never be able to recognize such details.


I'm British and I wouldnt either! Then again I'm from the south so thats probably why.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"
