How old are the Kids??

How old are all the kids?


This is only a guess since it was never clarifed in the film. The 4 older boys seem to be in the early to mid 20s. The artist son came across as not quite 20, probably just starting art school. The daughter I would say is supposed to be 17-18 and li'l Sajid is about 10, give or take a year.

Rejection is the greatest aphrodisiac


i think sajit's meant to be 11 or twelve, Meerah's meant to be 15-16 (ridiculous seeing as the actrees was 26 at the time) Saleem's about 19, Tariq, abdul and Maneer are all around 21-25, and Nazim's about 27/8


Seeing as how the father and mother were only married for 25 years, and there is no mention of them having children before being married, I'd say that the oldest son, Nazir is about 24/25 and the other boys are probably about 1-2 years apart until they had the daughter and the youngest boy, Sajid.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Sajid's not old enough to get married, so don't ask him!

Ah, hell diddly-ding-dong crap!




Nazir was 24. Abdul was 23. Tariq was 21. Maneer was 19. Saleem was 18. Meenah was 16. Sajid was 11.
