A Hidden Gem

I just saw 'Daddy and Them' for the first time and I absolutely love it. I grew up in the south and, yes, this is how we talk. Eventually, when I grew up, I got into radio so I had to curb all of that twang but its roots are still deep within me. <I even interviewed BBT for this particular movie in Little Rock and then never got a chance to see it>.

Another interesting and authentic part of the movie is when BBT and LD would be fighting and then all of a sudden start talking about something else and get into a meaninful conversation. This is very true to relationships in the south (for some) and it just blew me away that BBT was able to tap into his heritage and bring it to life on the screen in such a real manner.

This is a movie that snuck up on me and, by the end, won me completely over. I like that. I like surprises.


The reviewer who wrote in another post that having the ability to take this as the total farce that it is certainly helps. I LOVED it too! I loved John Prine in it, too.


Well I thought casting John Prine might be a stroke of genius, until I saw the movie, he's terrible. The low light of the entire film.

Dont get me wrong, I'm one of Prine's biggest fans going back 35 years, he just cant act worth a *beep*


Well I thought casting John Prine might be a stroke of genius, until I saw the movie, he's terrible. The low light of the entire film.

Dont get me wrong, I'm one of Prine's biggest fans going back 35 years, he just cant act worth a *beep*


Why don't you just say Billy Bob Thornton and Laura Dern instead of BBT and LD? You can't be in that big of a hurry if you're posting here.


I loved this movie!
