MovieChat Forums > Sports Night (1998) Discussion > When Does This Show Hit It's Stride?

When Does This Show Hit It's Stride?

I recently started watching (I've seen the first three episodes), and I've been completely underwhelmed by the show. I've yet to laugh out loud a single time, as the writing, while showing promise, just doesn't bring the comedy. Was this show weak in the beginning? Does it get better?

Liz Lemon is my Soulmate


Honestly, the writing style is pretty similar throughout. If you didn't like the first several episodes, you may not like any of them. I would encourage you to continue watching, but that's potentially just because of my view that the show was awesome throughout.

"Tugboats and arson....those are the only ideas I ever get from you guys..."


It has grown on me a bit, and there are traces of Aaron Sorkin in the writing. I just don't think it's consistently funny (although Peter and Felicity have amazing chemistry). The drama element is done really well though. It shocked me at first, but now I've grown used to it and appreciate it.

Liz Lemon is my Soulmate


I think that was one of the problems the show always had. It was classified as a comedy, was advertised as a comedy but it's really more of a drama.


Yeah, I'm beginning to see why people like it so much. I think I'm going to get to what would have been the Christmas hiatus in season one (one more episode), and call it a day though. It is a good show, but it's just not what I was really looking for or want to watch right now. Maybe I'll pick it back up sometime in the future over a holiday or the summer when there aren't so many other shows to keep up with as well.

I will say though, Felicity Huffman really is great. Definitely her best role.

Liz Lemon is my Soulmate


It was never intended to be a traditional, laugh-out loud type of sitcom. Much of the humor is dry, and there are as many dramatic elements as comedic elements. It was a hybrid.

That said, I've laughed more at SportsNight than most sitcoms on the air currently.


Don't give up on it. It took me a while to warm up to it, too. But once I did, I really liked it. Once they got rid of the annoying laugh track it became easier to watch.

Also, when you learn more about the characters it becomes a lot more enjoyable.

She's not naked. She's holding a gun...strategically.
