New Sorkin TV Show

Sorry if this is old news...

Aaron Sorkin has just been on British breakfast TV and says he's workin on a new TV show for HBO centred around a nightly cable news show. He has the pilot written and they're casting at the moment.


That's the kind of show he should have done instead of Studio 60. WAY too much soap box speech-making, moralizing, etc., on a show that was supposed to be centered around comedy.

This time, the people on the show will be dealing with the issues that Sorkin wants to get preachy about. Let's just hope he can pull back a little...


I don't think Studio 60 was ever supposed to be centered on comedy. It was supposed to be about what happens backstage of a comedy, which is often not funny at all.


anyone else have their fingers crossed that it is the resurrection of Sports Night???


From what I've heard, he's basing it on Keith Olbermann's experience on MSNBC... since Dan Rydell was based on Olbermann, I guess you could say it would be a sequel.


Great news! I'm sold already!!

"Death, you are my bitch lover!"
