I Don't Get it.....

So, tell me again why did they call this movie, "Romeo Must Die" when they didn't even have a character named Romeo?? And who the heck is supposed to be Romeo in this movie, anyway? And the same think with the movie "Romeo is Bleeding"!


because one of the lines in the movie, when mac points a gun at han is

"Sorry Romeo, but you gotta die."

so yeh lol.


Hm, that's just whack. Instead of calling it Romeo must die, they should call it, Han Must Die, but that would be even more whack for a title. Oh well, I guess the title is already done and we're just gonna have to go with it.


they call him Romeo cuz of Romeo and Juliet


Get some education.


He wasn't even in love with Aaliyah in this movie. They didn't even kiss! He was no Romeo, duh.


Romeo and Juliet were in love even though their families disapproved. Jet Li hung out with Aaliyah even though their families disapproved that's why they called him Romeo


So, in spite of that, why don't they call them by the real name?


i guess it's cuz it would sound better The guy didn't say "Han you gotta die" or something like that. He didn't know his name. Any way Romeo must die sounds a lot better.


true, true. oh well, i guess we're just gonna have to live with that, even though that wasn't his name. lol.


Yo. Fair Critic
Jet once told that they did shoot also a romantic ending to this movie(having Aaliyah to kiss him), but in the end they decided to go with the other one. So Yeah it was like Romeo and Juliet. Besides maybe others in the movie think there's something going on between these two.
Maybe they tried to make a Romeo & Juliet, without having it überly romantic.
'sides I don't know what the english dvd/vhs cover says, but the finnish one clearly indicates that they are a couple, or are infatuated with each other.
That always confused me too, though it was obvious(because of the two separate families and these two in the middle) that this was Romeo and Juliet, the lack of romance always confusing. But Hey thats a new genre, a romance story without romance
Here, You can have the link.


Alright, cool man. Thanks for the info. I dropped it already though, but I'm not disregarding anything of what you said. ;)



this is a modern take on Romeo and juliet about two warring families han is the son of a chinese triad boss trish is the daughter the boss of a black crime family. neither family want them to hang out and he was called romeo in this movie therefore romeo must die
