This film was bad.



Well you did a great job explaining further why this film was bad.



This movie thinks you were bad. That's right. I went there.

~A few of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your planet...~


if you need me to spell it out;

its bad because there are no jokes. its an overall contextual joke, that at first isn't funny, then after 10 minutes gets really, really tiring. also, the dialogue is repetitive and there isnt enough of a story to be interesting on a dramatic level.


And a new film critic is born. I'm sure Entertainment Tonight is calling you right now.


you give a brief explanation, people are di/cks. you elaborate, they are still di/cks. Im just saving you the dollar rental fee and an hour and a half of your lives.


I think this movie is hilarious, but I'm only about halfway through. I don't usually like movies with one contextual joke but David Hyde Pierce plays dumb quite convincingly. I'm just trying to figure out why this was rated R but March of the Penguins was rated G. I think there was worse stuff in that movie (but, again, I'm only halfway through this).


The movie would have been a horrible snoozefest without the commentary from David Hyde Pierce as the alien anthropologist studying (and misinterpreting) how humans get together.

With his commentary — in his signature deadpan delivery — the movie is hilarious.

It's especially funny if ever you had to sit through a real anthropology lecture. Now, there's a snoozefest for you: Professor Reasons-In-Circles would look at a clavicle, a femur and a set of store teeth and deliver a lecture chock full of the wildest, most unbelievable assumptions about the intimate details of great-ultra-great-grandpappy's life, times, and habits.

Sorry you didn't get it.

I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.



I c u never mated with an earth woman before :))


I would not give it a 1/10, but I agree it wasnt very good.
If they had sped up the pace, just used the funniest stuff, and made it much shorter (30-45 minutes) it would have been awesome.
The narration gets old and unfunny very fast.




This movie has a great premise - but the acting - especially Carmen Electra and her 'mating partner' - during the simulated 'mating' seasons . . . Oh . . . Dear . . . Gawd.

I saw this before when I was much younger - but it was on some channel last night - and I couldn't believe how bad how bad the acting was.

Having said that - I think - remade with some folks with real acting skills - I'd go see it.


I found it almost unbearably bad also. The entire concept would be tedious as a 3 minute sketch, but drawn out to nearly 90 minutes it becomes an endurance trial. Unfunny, unlikable, dumb and not nearly as clever as it needs to be to work. The writing and acting is painful as well. But the worst thing about this movie is its shallow insights on relationships and dating, a serious problem considering that these crappy insights inform the fim's entire plot, theme and focus. This is like the Ziggy comic of rom coms: bland, unfunny, uninsightful and yet woefully championed by far too many people.

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.
