7.7 ??

after watching this i came onto imdb to check what people were saying about it and i was shocked by the score, shocked so much that I was sure it must have been a different film. Why did this film get such a high rating? sure gary oldman was good, apart from that it was like some bad road movie meets teen drama. I liked how the plot was quite sporadic, new chracters all the time, but really a score more like 6.5 would be a little fairer i think.


I actually was as shocked as you are. I saw the score here first and thought the plot seemed interesting, but when I saw the movie itself and... well I gave it 5/10. I thought the acting was nothing much and pretty much over-acted throughout this whole wannabe adventure. I though the script was awful and not very convincing at all. But I DID like Oldman and the angry Michael J. Fox. They were quite entertaining.

All in all, I find this flick viewable, but not re-viewable, if you catch my drift...



I was surprised too. I thought it'd be much HIGHER.


Really? MUCH higher or just higher? I kinda expected a 6.5 or something although I don't agree with that either. If this is rated much higher we're talking about one of the best film made. Can you honestly say that this is one of the best films ever? Sure, it's a matter of opinion, I just wanted you to be honest with yourself and tell us your true opinion without exaggerating. Maybe even explain why you feel the way you do... I'm just curious.



You're right, I gave this a 6.5 too. It's not that good..


It is a good movie... somewhere between 5 and 10... ergo 7.5


I think this movie is entertaining and with its huge number of interesting actors it wins a lot of points in my opinion. I liked it and gave 8/10, cause I liked Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox and Amy Smart. In Germany the movie never came to the cinemas, which I didn't understand. It's pretty cool and funny, especially the fantastic situations in which Neal is involved so many times.


I was surprised too...thought it would have been REALLY higher. If you stop at the basic plot, then the movie is a 7.7, yeah...but try and look deeper, and...well, not very developed, actually, but there are some seriously good points in there...and on a lot of different topics. Personally, i'd go with a 9.



It's kind of a cult film. Few people have seen but some of them really like it.
Interesting storyline and situations, episodic structure, colorful characters, hot actors...

"William F. Buckley wrote a book at Yale; I read one." George W. Bush


i would give it 7.5 or so. this is not your ordinary movie, it has lots of sayings about the things we take for granted. i'm 23 and i'm suffering from the same things that dude suffers from (all those decisions to make, the pressure from the parents..). overall, i think that this is a great movie and the characters were very interesting!


I don’t know if I wont the rating higher or lower.. The film isn’t beautiful, and the acting isn’t that good, and the plot isn’t that unique . But it has something. When I finished looking at this film I felt as I been through a adventure but that’s not all… the movie is smart in a way rarely seen today. It raises a lot of the big questions in life (but not the biggest) in a Simplistic but funny way. And it has some Marquez over it, and I like it.
Interstate 60: 8

Martin, Sweden


I think the rating is quite fair...Really fair!I'd give a higher one cos it's inspiring but I guess you have to consider the whoel thing.

Ok I listen to Busted,watch Viva la Bam and love a dude called Iyla.What did you think?


I was actually expecting the film to be lower than this, given it's gotten limited release in America and went straight to video here in Australia, but I agree with the rating. I personally give it a 9, very close to a 9 1/2, as I thought it was expectional film, a rare gem that isn't seen very often these days. I also loved Gary Oldman and Christopher Lloyd's performances, two things which make my score lean closer to 9 1/2.


yeah i agree it's way overrated.i personally woudnt give it more than a 5.
the messages in this movie were easy to find and naive. i usually want to get the moral of the story myself.
i also felt that the problems of the charakters had nothing to do with universal questions about the meaning of life or missed possibilities or whateva it was supposed to be about. even the situations weren't strange or funny...
i think the film is more banal than what you call an averrage american movie,because that's what it is.



i'm actually worried that a movie, like this got such a high rating. It was like twilight zone episode(but, bad acting goes on for more then an hour).


It deserved the 7.7!!! It's in my top 5 favourite films at number 2!!! It was an excellent for a streight to cable movie!!!


As my sig states it's my favorite. Crash, Ray, Rat Race and Song of the South all are in my top 5 :)

Christine Lakin, the hottest girl in the world.

Interstate 60 - My favorite movie ever


see it again in a few years and u will know why everyone likes it.


I think it is great. Great actors great script.. the camerawork was a little bit 'not good'.. but overall a really great movie.. I like movies because of their script and acting.. not when the special effects are not really 'awesom'

A shame not everyone likes it that much..

and to the guy/girl who said [i think the film is more banal than what you call an averrage american movie,because that's what it is], *** you



I think 7 is quite fair and we must remember the people like it because of its charm. It has a lot of sweet, sincere, human moments, like the exquisite monologue by Kurt Russell. What a wonderful scene and excellente script-writing! All those things he said are so true, that a lot of people JUST WANNA GET HIGH and give the folks want they want and let them party, they're plenty happy doing menial tasks like sweeping and taking out the trash.

Well I like it but I use a four-star system (with **** being the highest), so just off the cuff I would give it 2-1/2 to 3 stars. But if others want to give it four stars, that's fine by me. They just liked it a lot more and that is their prerogative.

I think I have seen it 2-3 times already and I have my favorite scenes, other scenes seem more like filler, for example the one with Ann-Margret. I like the scene with the gal in the mini-skirt, especially when the guy tells her she will never know if he was the perfect lay. GREAT DIALOGUE! Also the scenes where that fellow uses his strapped-on dynamite routine to get people's attention are PRICELESS!


Yeah around a 7.0 to a 7.1


I like the scene with the gal in the mini-skirt, especially when the guy tells her she will never know if he was the perfect lay. GREAT DIALOGUE!

Thats Amy Jo Johnson, formerly known as the Pink power ranger



Well i dont know which film the OP saw but this defantly deserves a 7.7,hell in my opinion a 9.0.
This film has alot to say about things we take for granted,it challanges us to think about life and the performance by chris cooper and gary oldman are simply amazing,they created characters that should have there own films.


7.3 or 7.4
definitely not 7.7
You killed him!
Well,I didn't mean to.
Didn't mean to? You put your sword right through his head!


What don't you get about statistical average?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Scored it 5 which means it was watchable in my opinion. I really wish IMDB would allow half marks. 5.5 would be more accurate for this but i always score down if i feel its necessary.
