I can't believe how bad this movie is

It reminded me of a after school TV special gone horribly wrong. This is a heavy handed (and cheesy) morality tale that spends little time with any genuine story telling "finesse" and proceeds to hand feed sugar-coated-message after sugar-coated-(bad Lifetime channel moment)-message, down your throat. Now juxtapose those moments against some adult language and subject matter; sprinkle in a few stars such as Michael J Fox, Gary Oldman, Christopher Lloyd, Kurt Russel...Chris Cooper, and if your like me you're left wondering, "How on earth did this C.F. of a movie happen?" Of course, I felt the same about Cowboys and Aliens. After 50 minutes I could no longer put up with the movie.


Too bad, 'cause it really gets great at 54 minutes.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


it felt like a made for TV movie

acting was awful

so many movies, so little time


It's one of my favorite movies. I guess some people don't like some of the socio-political messages and they get upset.
