MovieChat Forums > Held Up (2000) Discussion > i found a flaw in the movie

i found a flaw in the movie

rodrigo asks michael " is that why your own lady dumped you".. and he talks to jack about his girlfriend but no one ever told him about his girlfriend.. so rodrigo shouldnt of known about her. haha im good :)


Isn't that like saying that in the story people and events magically materialized out of thin air (science fiction/fantasy), and that there never was or is going to be a prologue or epilogue to the storyline (deduce that I'm not talking about real life productions here)?


I think they did that because it was funny. I thought it was. I think the writers meant to make it seem like it was so obvious that Rodrigo was able to figure it out.

You see that yellow stuff? That's my awesomeness.


I guess its just something that you assume Michael told Rodrigo the whole time they were in the store. Im sure the movie didn't show you every single thing that Michael said to Rodrigo during the hours that take place within the movie.


You found "A" Flaw in the movie is like saying you saw "A" girl at the Playboy mansion. Yeah, you're good.

Is there a problem officers??
