Barely watchable!

It was sad seeing a funny guy like Jamie Foxx get stuck with a horribly written and directed movie. After watching his great role in Collateral, it was a downer seeing him try to act himself out of this poor excuse of a comedy. With some decent writing and a more sensible plot this movie could have been salvaged. Watching the ridiculous antics of both the criminals and deputies was a bit painful and not-so-funny. I did give it a generous 5/10 since it was just good enough to not turn it off.
Mountain Man


I actually couldn't watch the whole thing... It was horrible. 2/10

What shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?


It was average. Hey it happens.


It wasn't that bad. You can't compare Collateral and Held Up. Collateral clearly had higher standards. Held Up, although the furthest thing from a blockbuster, is funny and enjoyable thanks to all the weird absurdities that spring up ("WHERE THE HELL IS MY SWAT TEAM?!" [somewhere else in the desert] Where the hell is [name of town, I forget]). I gave it a 7/10.

You see that yellow stuff? That's my awesomeness.


Yeah, I probably wasn't fair with my comment. After all,it WAS shown to be of genre COMEDY. Maybe even a spoof?

Mountain Man



Welcome to Jamie Foxx's early career. Before "Collateral" and "Ray" he was in stupid movies like these (though I do like the movie, "Bait").

- The film junkie


Any given sunday was good too


it was good for its budget it was a chea movie and pretty good


Think this was bad? Watch Booty Call. Ha! There's early career money! It was nearly a decade ago.


Held Up sucked balls. 1/10. Booty call is waaaay better, and was actually pretty cool.



Booty Call was funny, Held Up was unwatchable after the first 15 minutes.

Sorry, you can't have my autograph but we can take a picture.



It was a pretty bad movie! Wasn't even very funny and the cops were all stupid. Stereotypical.
