Freelancer 2

Does any1 know if there will be anouther


if you look it up on the net you'll find some forums posts etc stating that microsoft dont want to make a FL2 (not sure if this is true or not) and there is a petition saying that they should just release the source code to the modders at and let them do it, for a fee ofcourse :P

I personally hope they do either, i just want more storyline >.< and ofcourse more Juni.


If they did make anoughter 1 then it should be a few years after the nomads. Out of the bloom, Orillian should call Trent asking for ehlp.


I won't call Freelancer dead just yet. There have been franchises that go for awhile then someone buys the rights to them and revives them.

Besides, the modding community is doing everything they can to keep the game going.

Trust those who claim they are searching for the truth. Doubt those who claim they have found it.


well the guy that made freelancer i think is still in the media bussiness, but Digital anvil got absorbed into microsoft....


I really hope there will be another freelancer, it was a great game and I know alot of my friends think the same way, if they advertised the original a bit better, it certainly would have done better too. The graphics were intense, and didn't require a stupid amount of system resources to run them, the game play was adictive and fun, the storyline...inspired and the characters loveable, especially Trent, one of my fav game characters to date. I can only hope and pray that a sequel is made, meanwhile get ur friends and family to sign the petition, who knows it might get some gears moving, some progress made.


The closest thing to a sequel I have played is over at, They have a great amount of ships made that are exclusive, and a new program called "Dynecon" (DYNamic ECONomy) that updates the prices of ALL commadities each day based on the amount of trading done with the individual items. It also makes the mod easier to update than all others, no need to download a huge file each time a new bug has been fixed or to upload ships, etc. that my plug for this game :) anyway for those that still enjoy the fun of good old Freelancer, go to for a look.

We lucky few, we band of brothers. For he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.


I often wondered about this. It is a game that deserves a sequel! I think it sold ok, but not as well as it should have. Microsft come on! It got great reviews as well! I haven't played any of the mods for it yet, but I do hope that it gets a sequel!


I think that we are ignoring the not so well known fact that Freelancer is in fact a sequel itself, as it is a follow up of StarLancer. Asking for a third game in a franchise that was not popular by any means would be hard to fathom. I do agree that another Freelancer would be awesome, as Freelancer is the MOST addictive game I have played in a while, but what do I know?


i thought freelancer was a sequal to starlancer in much the same sense that descent:freespace was a sequal to descent. ie, not at all.


Lmao /agreed


plus like all microsoft bought studio's the developers leave screaming.
just like bungie, where zero of the lead designers of Halo still works there...

microsoft is tainted that way i guess.


Err, Bungie bought itself back out of Microsoft. Plus they don't want to work on Halo at all anymore.

Digital Anvil went bankrupt and was bought up by Microsoft. Freelancer didn't sell nearly enough copies to warrant a sequel. That being said I still enjoyed the game.

"I'm with --------. We don't really run this place, but we have an understanding with the people who do."


nope they didn't they are still owned by Microsoft, well over 50% to get developers back who don't want to work for microsoft.
in which they failed.

freelancer sold roughly 4million copies which is more than halo1.


Halo: Combat Evolved (which you have so glibly referred to as 'halo1') sold over 5 million copies.

You're information is incorrect.


so sold 2.5million each platform (xbox/PC), meaning less than freelancer on the PC.


Another company was working on a sequal for Xbox only I think, mabye PC but they scrubbed it.


Man i'd love it if they made a Freelancer 2.

I know a ton of the remain fanbase would buy it rather than pirate it.

Dammit someone at Microsoft, hear our cries.


I think a sequel was planned about two years ago. I think it was being developed for both the Xbox and PC. However it got cancelled.

Try this link for a You Tube video of it:-


Black close to Freelancer as you'll ever get ;(
