
She's suppose to have African American DNA?
More likely the plantation owners DNA,than the CANDYMANS....they couldn't find a black actress to fill the role? I doubt they looked very hard


Um, she is a character who is a GREAT-GREAT-GREAT granddaughter of Candyman's and the family line since Isabel has all been white. Isabel went to be with a white man and have kids and her daughter went to be with a white man and have Caroline's grandmother, then she went with a white man to have Annie, and then Annie was with a white man to have Caroline. So it makes sense for Caroline to look straight-up white here. She'll only have a very small percent of black in her.


I know people with a black grandparent that look completely white and in this instance it is her great grandfather, so she could very well look like she does in this movie.


It's vice versa for me.My great great grandfather was white and im my little brother is darkskin.
