S1 | E6 'Head First'

I couldn't help but laugh at the random card games Arthur suggested.

Arthur: "Alright fellas, the game is called kick the dog. 3's, 6's, 9's, One-eyed Jacks suicide, Kings are Wild."

Doug: "I tell you what Arthur why don't you just tell us what's not Wild."

[Richie, Deacon, and Spence leave the Garage due to Arthur, leaving Doug and Arthur sitting there]

Arthur: "Okay, the game is called Spank your Sister!"

Arthur: "That's fondle the Mailman and we're playing that next.

Arthur: "Alright, the game is San Diego Scooby-Doo. 3 decks, we use all the Jokers and Instruction Cards."


" ... we use all the Jokers and Instruction Cards."

Classic Arthur! He had no clue on how to navigate through life.


I always thought this was one of the better episodes of season 1, and was the beginning of the hilarious relationship between Arthur and Doug.

Interesting fact (one I just found out recently): Although this was the 6th episode aired, this was actually the 2nd episode made (right after the pilot).


Doug and Arthur had a great love/hate relationship.

I loved how Arthur got under Doug's skin. Incessantly.

And how he would constantly throw "fat jokes" and put-downs Doug's way. Even when totally uncalled for.

For example:

Doug walks in, all bummed out about something. Arthur says, "What's the matter, son? You never looked fatter." (And Arthur actually was being sincerely concerned about Doug!)

Another example:

There is someone on the phone, who somehow got caught up in an argument between Doug and Arthur. Doug says to Arthur: "Well, did you tell him that you live in my basement?" Arthur replies: "Well, did you tell him that you're enormous?"

Stuff like that!


I love the bar scenes in this episode, especially when Arthur is looking for a fight over the pool table.


"Now get off my table unless you feel like dancing with a snowman!"

Also the part where he harasses Spence about living with his mother is priceless.


Hahaha! That's hilarious! Especially the one with instruction cards!
