Four play episode

Hello. Did anyone else notice in the 4 play episode that the same limo went by three times?.


No. All I remember is that Deacon's girlfriend was incredibly annoying and he would have been better off with Carrie's Latino friend.


He needed to call up that hot stewardess again.


Did he ever have a thing with Holly? I seem to recall she dropped lots of hints and he eventually picked up on it. Don't recall if they ever dated though?


No he didn't. Not unless he did it on the "down low". Is that how the kids are saying it these days?


Haha! Possibly - at my age, I'm still struggling with "down payments"!


I think the thing with Holly was a considered subplot that was dropped. The actress who played Kelly was on a different show and they were apparently considering writing her off permanently. If that had happened then Deacon and Holly might have hooked up.


It was hinted that they might get together,then the whole thing was forgotten about after that episode. Same sort of thing happened with Frasier and Roz in Frasier.
