Heartwarming film

I was very pleasantly surprised by this film. The chemistry between the two leads was perfect, and seemed almost 'real'.
The only thing I was taken aback a bit about was when the wife dies. He seemed like he got 'over' her rather quickly, even though he knew she was very ill and time was short.

But it was an enchanting film. I'd like to own it on DVD.

*shelter cat chat*:
"As soon as someone picks you up, start purring."


His wife was really gone from him along time before. I bought it at WalMart on dvd.I just love it.



If you're still looking for a copy of this film, I just found it at www.hamiltonbook.com.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I bought my DVD on Amazon.
