original dvd language?

Just got the dvd and am going to watch this flick tonight. But when I check the audio, it says it can play it in Cantonese or Mandarin. Which is the language that the film was shot in? I want to watch the original, but don't want to ruin the first 5 mins of the movie figuring out which sounds more original, lol.

Usually I prefer Mandarin, but I IMDB says this film was filmed in Cantonese.

Any info would be appreciated. Thank you.

The sequel is called The Storm Warriors right? I just watched that last week, crazy fun movie, lol.. now it's time for the original.

"You were assimilated, resistance was futile!"


I got the DVDs from Blockbuster (a 2-set)

The "international" version was dubbed only in English. No more options.

The "Director's Cut" version had two options: Cantonese DTS and Cantonese 5.1.

By reading at the lips of the actors, when they were speaking, I could see that some of them were matching the audio track, while others (like Lord Conqueror) were speaking something completely different and their voices sounded dubbed.

Any Mandarin/Cantonese speakers could corroborate this?
