bullet can be seen

hi my name is peter mcmenemy

please send your views on what i think i see in this film

1)please go to website dailymotion .com.
2)in search box type in jfk
3)in the list please select film called JFK Assassination Digitally Re
this film will show different versions of the zapruda film ,please
go forward on slide bar until 4.35 enlarge to full screen and pause on
frame 311 slide bar 4.35,now please look at jackie kennedys right arm
behind jfk head. here you should see a dark image on her sleeve(bullet
sized?), please note there is no interference in this frame so to my
eyes there is a solid object that can be clearly seen!
4)now please in ENLARGED version play live from 4.30 again and again
and i believe this object(bullet) can be seen going by her arm in
frame 311
5)this is how i see it - frame 311 bullet can be seen on jackies arm
- frame 312 (OBJECT CAN NOT BE SEEN ON ARM) enters head causing head
to go forward(seen in many stills) - ,frame 313 bullet leaves jfk
head(CAUSING HEAD TO JERK BACKWARD).also seen on in many stills.
6)now take a ruler and from dark object(bullet?) in frame 311, place
horizontally from bullet to jfk head, this to me is very level to were
bullet leaves head.
