MovieChat Forums > Alice in Wonderland (1999) Discussion > Wasn't there another tv version..?

Wasn't there another tv version..?

I remember seeing one on ABC one night. It may have been this one, but I could have sworn there was an older blonde girl. I think it was newer than 1999 but I could be mistaken... Does anyone remember this?



There was a TV version on Disney once.


The greatest thought that comes to the mind of man: 'someone cares'


You're probably thinking of the Through the Looking Glass with Kate Beckinsale. She's blonde in the movie, and clearly an adult playing a little girl. Visually, its an interesting interpretation. Don't know if it was made-for-TV or had a theatrical release or was straight-to-DVD, but I'm sure its been shown on TV at some point.


There was a tv version from 1985 with a blonde girl


I know this is an older question but I couldn't help but reply.

The 1985 is my preferred TV version. It was a mini series (two nights).
My little brother watched it every single day when he was 5, for months.. with commercials, that's 4 hours on vhs!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it :)

...have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist covered in blood.


(now on DVD), the 1985 version w/a blond girl playing Alice, the 1951 Disney animated one, a 1933 black & white movie w/Gary Cooper and Cary Grant, and even a 1903 version. Whoa. I'd not heard of "Thru' the Looking Glass" w/Kate Beckinsale, but will ck. it out. Most verions are on DVD presently and for sale (at Target and Safeway, for sure). This one (1999 made for T.V.) got several awards/Emmy's, and is considered one of the better versions, overall.

Just. . . . . IMAGINE


The blond girl who played Alice was Natalie Gregory. That was the BEST version if you ask me :-) Telly Savalas played the Chesire cat; Sammy Davis Jr was the caterpillar. MANY MANY more famous people.


Not sure about BEST! But there is an excellent version made for television in 1966 by the well-respected British director Jonathan Miller.

Also see here:

Hope that helps.
