Worst film ever?

I'm thinking so! I really disliked this movie. It just didn't work, I think. I've always been annoyed by the actress they chose for Alice (Nothing personal, she just annoys me. I don't think she's a very good actress). I was hoping for a nice version of the Lewis Carroll classic, and instead I spent an hour trying to get into it (I turned it off after a while). Very bad, in my opinion.

I swear to drunk I'm not God.


It's Hilarious if you watch it enough times. Martin Short is brilliant.

I forgot my mantra.
-Jeff Goldblume in Annie Hall


No, it isn't.

I swear to drunk I'm not God.


Are you kidding me?
Alice In Wonderland, this one and the original, are proper good.
I love it, the actors/actresses are outstanding :)
It's quite the remarkable film.



I also believe it's a big waste of set design and great actors


You've obviously never seen Gerry....



"Worst film ever?"

Try "Grease 2" and we'll talk again.



Not worst ever, but a serious contender. I forced myself to watch the whole dreary mess. :(

The Disney version was FAR superior.



I turned it off cause it was just plan boring, I couldn't even see taking shroom's, or acid helping this film out. Now the cartoon that's a classic.


Did you ever get to see "Stop, or my mom will shoot"?

After much research, I've had to conclude that fans of "Titanic" are special.



not the worst movie ever many for that titel tarzan titanic american pie rescuers down under disneys robin hood goodtimes sleeping beauty the live action pinocchio etc


Never saw it, but NOTHING could be as bad as Freedomland or Birth.

I'm Wilhelmina Slater and I don't get wet.




Its not the worst! that award goes to the godfather!




batman and robin did suck! Proably is worse then this.....

