This isn't a musical is it?

If it is then I don't want to watch it..


It does have songs.

This is not my signature. This is IMDb's automatic translation of my signature.


I wouldn't classify it as a Musical in the sense that I think you mean, but yes, there are songs in it, as the other person said, so, it's up to you whether you wish to watch this version or not. If you want a version with no songs at all, then I suggest watching the more recent, Tim Burton version.

I am watching the 1999 version now, and I am extremely unimpressed and not liking this version in the least. I much prefer the Tim Burton version. It could be that it's because that version has more actors in it that I like, and this one has very few, and on top of it, I found this one (oddly) too strange, and even a bit boring.
